The growing and harvesting of timber, the production of primary wood products such as lumber, and the use of sawmill residuals to manufacture secondary products create complex fiber flows into multiple end products.

We utilize a comprehensive carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting methodology that tracks removal of carbon from the atmosphere, storage in standing trees, storage in end products, and greenhouse gas emissions from forest management, harvesting, hauling, and manufacturing.

Our net annual atmospheric carbon removals include the growth and harvest on our timberlands and our share of the change in carbon in the standing stocks of trees on other landowners in the procurement basins from which our mills source logs. Carbon storage values include the products we manufacture, and products manufactured by others from our logs and mill residuals. Greenhouse gas emissions include our Scope 1 and 2 emissions as well as Scope 3 upstream and downstream emissions.

While established protocols exist for calculating greenhouse gases, there is currently no formal protocol for land sector removals. Our approach is consistent with the methodology used by some of our peers. The World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is currently finalizing a Greenhouse Gas Protocol - Land Sector and Removals. Our removal results or methodology may need to be restated if the formal protocol varies in methodology. In addition, the Forest Inventory and Analysis program (FIA) is making several adjustments to carbon metrics this year, including a species-specific carbon percentage, which will cause our reported values to change.

Overall, our 2022 atmospheric carbon removals, product storage, and all emissions position us as carbon negative – meaning the carbon removed from the air by our trees and the carbon stored in wood products we manufacture or paper and forest products that others manufacture from our trees is greater than our annual Scope 1-3 emissions.

The amount of carbon stored in our timberland changes over time. These changes occur due to tree growth, harvests, natural disasters, and other factors. Because harvest removes carbon from the land base (transitioning much of it into storage in wood products) and tree growth adds carbon to the land base, we are interested in understanding how the amount of carbon stored on our land varies over time.


Scope 1 emissions are greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are emitted directly from our activities in our timberlands, our wood products facilities, and real estate operations.


We are committed to reducing our scope 1 & scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions and working with our value chain on indirect scope 3 emission reductions.